Friday, July 24, 2009

They're coming!

Good morning - it's Friday! Jake and Ellie are coming to spend the day. I'm trying to decide if we should hang out around the house or go somewhere. Jake loves being in the backyard -playing in the pool, helping Jim rake or pick a few vegetables, etc. Plus I want him to remember this place and the experiences here. Or should I create another memory for the scrapbook and take them to City Garden? It's got little pools and water fountains that shoot up (probably 100 of them). Decisions..decisions... Any thoughts? I'll let you know tomorrow what I decide.
- Anne

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ahhh..Kids were here today

Good morning. I babysat my grandkids yesterday. Another day of total joy. Only a few more times left before THE MOVE. Oooh. That's so sad. I'm beginning to worry about Jake. Maybe he'll be just fine, but I can't help worry that he'll miss coming here. He does love it. It's interesting...I'm starting to worry more about him than me. I think that's healthy! I told you I want to make a scrapbook of fun times, pictures of our house and rooms - like where he takes his naps, and so on. What do you think? That won't make him more sad, will it? I think not. My future daughter-in-law called today from Wisconsin to chat. She asked how I was doing in regards to THE MOVE. I said "not so good". She's a comfort. We're visiting them (Joe and Adrianne) in late August - they live part-time in a teepee. This should be an adventure! It's definitely something Jim and I are looking forward to and that's good to have something like that. See you tomorrow.

- Anne

Ideas From a Friend

My friend, Michelle, e-mailed me her regarding her journey with parents out of town. She says she travels a lot so she and her kids can see her parents. They are elderly and can't travel. (But we can travel - just have to figure out out to do it cheaply in this economy of ours!) She also said her best advice is to "be open and creative". One example is to celebrate holidays whenever together...not just on the holiday. I love her advice! Thanks Michelle.
- Anne

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Please Quit Being So Nice

Good morning. I am finding that it's harder when people are nice and understanding about my grandkids moving (two weeks from today!). It's so much easier if I just ignore that it's going to happen and life goes on. And then I think about it in the privacy of myself and cry a little. Then I move on. But it's strange being on the receiving end of so much kindness and empathy. And the tears...I have a lot of them. And they can be a bit embarrassing in public since my eyes and nose swell when I do this. Maybe I'll run out of tears soon. Usually I'm the one helping. That is what I do...I help. Maybe that's what this is all about...I'm suppose to learn to receive help and kindness?? I just don't know how to do this "well". I spoke to my youngest son, Joe, last night. He thinks I should have a spiritual advisor. I don't think that's a bad idea...I'm just finding it hard to make the move to get one.

I thought of an idea for my grandkids. I hope to put together a little scrapbook with pictures for each of them about things we've done together. I can include pictures, tickets from our Amtrak train trip to KC, tickets from the Cardinals ballgame, I'll include pictures of rooms of our house where they spent so much time, one of the back yard and the park, etc. What do you think? I hope this keeps the memories alive and helps soothe a little. I've never really liked scrapbooking, but I can do this! I know this will be an adjustment for Jake, too. Ellie..not so much since she's so young. What else? Oh yes...I'm going to take some favorite toys and send them with the kids. Is that a good idea? I've got two weeks...what else should I be doing? Oh...enjoying the moments with the kids and simply staying in the present moment. If you have any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks friends. See you soon!

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Monday

Hello. Monday morning and I'm off to work. I was up until midnight talking to my oldest son, Jim, in NYC who is a musician. He's trying to help me think about THE MOVE in a different way. We've both read "The Power of Now" and found it extremely helpful in our lives. I do understand what he's saying, but the reality is that this is something like I've not experienced before in my life. Hmm.... I'm really trying to believe this won't be so bad....just different. I'm having difficulty with that....
- Anne

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cardinals Baseball and Jake

Good morning. Jim (my husband) and I went to the Cardinals game with my son, Matt, and Jake last eve. What a beautiful evening (even though they lost!). I'm treasuring all of these last experiences before THE BIG MOVE. It's coming! Each morning I wake up knowing we're one day closer to THE MOVE. I told Matt that he and Jenny are young and could get new I thought they could just leave Jake and Ellie for us to keep. He chuckled and said he wishes we could "share" - each take a week. I'm up for sharing! Anyway, it was a wonderfully fun evening. We got to spend time with Matt, who we haven't seen much of because he's buried in his studies for the bar exam. That was nice. And, of course, Jake brought fresh eyes to the game of baseball - or should I say to eating peanuts, the family play area, the darkness, and many things we take for granted. I think that's what I'll miss most...seeing the world through the fresh eyes of a child. Let me know how you do this long-distance grandparenting thing well, okay? I need your help. Thanks and have a fun day!
- Anne

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How do I do this?

Hello. This is my first posting on my blog. I'm searching for ways to do this long-distance grandparenting thing well. I want my grandkids (Jake 3 1/2 years and Ellie 13 months) to know me and I want to be a part of their lives. But they are moving about 10 hours away. I have babysat them 2 days a week for the past 3 years, and have become very close to them. Now in 2 weeks they are gone from my life in a sense. Yes, I know we can visit and they will visit me. But it's just not the same. How do I handle this? I am so sad. It is like this impending doom coming at me. I'll quote my friend at work "just bring it on". I wonder if the dread of it is actually going to be worse than after it actually happens. I am a person who can deal with most things in life and make the best of them. But this one is stumping me. Help! (Oh yes...I do have a webcam I need to hook up.) I am writing this blog to hopefully discuss ways to do this long-distance grandparenting thing - helping me as well as possibly you! So as my grandson always says "Let's do it!"

- Anne