Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do you know what you're missing?


How are you? I know I've praised the webcam, but really! You need one if you do not have one. Think Christmas - ask for one as a gift. (MAC's have one built in). Ellie giggles when she see's us! I'm not sure she'd remember us if it wasn't for this. When we visit in a couple of weeks, I think she'll know us and not be shy. At least I hope this is the case. And Jake is just a hoot. He asks his dad if he can "computer talk" with us. So I've done this both Saturday and today with Jake (Jim is out of town). We make silly faces, he tells me about his day and playing outside with his new friends, he asks me to read him a book and I do (he can see the pictures), we have our stuffed animals talk to each other in funny voices, and whatever creative things I can think of to keep him engaged. Then he gets tired of this and wants to go play outside. I never want to make him stay on longer than he wants...I want him and Ellie to look forward to this and actually want to do the "computer talking".

I think Jake is a little worried. I told him I might just hug and kiss him A LOT when I see him. He asked if I'd just give him one kiss and one hug. I agreed. But this might be the first promise I break! Before we hang up on the webcam I always blow a kiss and give a hug, and Jake does the same. It's not the real thing, but it's pretty good!

- Anne

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